1. Members must carry their membership books with I.D at all times when on club waters. They must produce their cards for inspection on request by an officer or other member of the club, also when using the clubhouse.
2. Junior membership ends at the age of 17 years, but may continue to use
his/her card until the end of current season.
3. No bathing, sub-aqua, wading or swimming on the waters.
4. The speed limit on the banks is 5mph
5. No fires, except on authorised working parties. No disposable B.B.Q’s
6. All fish to be taken by fair angling
7. Members must enter all grounds by the proper access points and keep strictly to the bank sides. Bottles tins and refuse must not be left on banks. You will be held responsible for any litter at the point where you are fishing, whether it is yours or not.
8. The use of radios, televisions, musical instruments, guns and generators is prohibited on all waters.
9. A member who loses his/her card will be charged £10 for the issue of a duplicate. Applications should be made to the membership secretary with name and address and a SAE.
10. Committee members failing to attend three committee meetings without reasonable cause will be deemed to have relinquished their post on said committee.
11. A person fishing SCAC waters for 7 days continuously will then have to vacate all SCAC waters for the next 7 days before returning. The maximum time allowed is 72hrs on Ham/Dabchick and Franklins 7 days on Whitefriars.
12. No reserving of swims, especially with buckets. All members are limited to one swim.
13. Accompanied swims may only be vacated for a maximum of 2 hours
14. Baited rods must not be left unattended. This means no more than one swim away and in sight of rods if seen by the bailiff or committee member, they will be confiscated and £25 charged for their return.
15. A maximum of four rods only may be used with purchase of a second book on Whitefriars Lake (26) provided they are fished in the same swim.
16. Three rods allowed on Ham Pool, Dabchick and Franklins lakes, between 1st October and 28th February with a second book.
17. Members will not fish pegs designated for contests on day indicated.
18. Environment Agency Licenses are required.
19. No carp to be kept in keep nets unless in authorised matches
20. Visiting clubs allowed on application to match secretary.
21. Only authorised work parties to work on banks.
22. All propositions for the AGM to be in within one working month of the AGM meeting. Only one proposal per member who must be present at the AGM to answer any questions about their proposal along with a seconder. However the committee have the power to veto any decision made at a A.G.M/E.G.M if the decision made is deemed detrimental to the club financially or in any other way.
23. Members are reminded that the fishing limit on all leased waters is 22yds from the bank when water sport users are present.
24. Unhooking Mats must be with you at all times.
25. No boats or bait boats allowed on South Cerney waters
26. No fish to be transferred from lake to lake or other swims.
27. The climbing of trees is prohibited.
28. One junior under the age of 12 accompanied by an adult member to be allowed to fish free on Stait, and Gillman’s Lake. Both must be fishing same swim.
29. No live baiting on any S.C.A.C. waters.
30. No fouling of banks by Angler’s.
31. The committee reserves the right to expel any member who conducts himself/herself in a manner, which is prejudicial to the clubs interest or breaks any of the club rules.
32. Two keepnets. One to be carp-safe for tench and bream only, the other for silver fish. Keepnets to be allowed on Staits Lake for silver fish only from 1st October – 28th Feb.
33. All anglers are advised by the club that they carry a fish care kit.
34. No Tents. Maximum two man bivvies only.
35. No camper vans/mobile homes on Whitefriars (Lake 26).
36. Dogs are allowed (to a maximum of 2 per angler) but must be kept on a short lead and under control at all times. All dog mess must be picked up and disposed of appropriately. Dogs are not permitted in the clubhouse. There will be a zero tolerance towards this rule and falling foul of this will result in dismissal from the club.
38. No carp sacks allowed on S.C.A.C. waters. All Carp to be returned immediately except in sanctioned club matches.
39. Alcohol /Drug abuse Violent Conduct and BAD LANGUAGE will not be tolerated on SCAC waters.
40. The committee have the power to change any rules it considers necessary for the good government of the club
41. Anyone requiring towing on Whitefriars due to their own fault will be charged £30 for this service.
42. Membership fees are non refundable.
43. The use of Electric Scooters is prohibited on SCAC waters.